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Sympathy - the ability to experience emotions in relation to other people is one of the key properties of the human psyche. The presence of sympathy is usually clearly visible from the outside, since a person involuntarily demonstrates its main signs.

About Human Feelings
Human Feelings on NFTsky

My name is Alberto Monzo, I am 49 years old and I am from a small fishing town in Italy, which is called Vernazza. Even from a young age, I experienced the fear and alienation surrounding me, but I did not give it much publicity. At the age of 10, my father Flavio Manzoni began to instill in me a taste and interest in the art of painting. I was learning fast and my inner state progressed along with it, but I tried to keep everything secret and not show any signs. The idea I wanted to see interpreted is human feelings like love, tenderness, warmth, empathy, trust, sympathy, pride, admiration, respect, freedom, love, sympathy, recognition, fascination, compassion, friendliness, openness, confidence, security, reliability, absorption, concentration, charm, interest, curiosity, involvement, excitement.

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