What is copyright?
Our community protects the interests of all creators. This means that the authors understand that only authorized and original content can be minted and offered for sale on the NFTsky marketplace.
We respect the rights of all contributors on our platform, which helps ensure market confidence in the value of each token for a growing audience of digital art collectors.
Copyright is the legal right granted to authors and artists to "original works of authorship". In general, copyrights can be obtained for all sorts of creations such as paintings, sculptures, musical compositions, audiovisual and of course digital art.
Copyright protection allows authors to sell, exploit and protect their creative efforts. The copyright owner has the right to prevent unauthorized reproduction, display, distribution and performance of original works of art. On the other hand, only the copyright owner can authorize such use.
Obtaining Copyright Protection
If you create original digital art, you have copyright from the moment you create it, as long as it is stored in some file format. Thus, you have the right to prevent unauthorized use of your creation at the time of its completion.
Benefits of copyright registration
Although formal copyright registration is not always required for legal protection, registration with your country's copyright office can have very important benefits and can add value to your creative portfolio. For more information about copyright registration, visit the Copyright Office in your country.
Copyright ownership
The copyright in a work originally belongs to the author or authors of the work. In the absence of an obligation to transfer copyright to someone else as a work for hire, the author enjoys exclusive copyright in the original digital creations.