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Dispel your friends' doubts about NFT

If your friends are skeptics, the purpose of this article is to provide you with the knowledge and arguments necessary to dispel their doubts about NFT.

Dispel your friends' doubts about NFTon NFTsky

If your friends are skeptics, the purpose of this article is to provide you with the knowledge and arguments necessary to dispel their doubts about NFT.

Doubt 1: "Why would someone pay for something digital?"

One of the most common doubts about NFT is the idea that paying for a purely digital product is pointless. However, it is important to understand that people have been collecting intangible items for centuries and paying for them. Think of rare stamps, business cards, or even vintage video games. NFT simply takes this concept into the digital realm.

Moreover, NFTs can represent various digital assets, such as digital art, music, virtual real estate, and even in-game items. They grant ownership and origin to these items in the digital space, which makes them valuable to collectors and enthusiasts.

Doubt 2: "It's just an advertising bubble, right?"

The notion that NFT is a fleeting trend is a common misconception. Despite the initial phase of hype, the NFT market has matured significantly. It's not just artists and musicians who benefit from NFT. Companies and content creators are finding innovative ways to use them. NFTs are not going anywhere, as they offer a secure and decentralized way to represent ownership and authenticity in the digital world.

Doubt 3: "I don't know where to start."

Navigating the world of NFT may not be easy, but it's not as difficult as it might seem. To get started, you'll need a digital wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet to store your NFTs and a cryptocurrency like Ethereum to make purchases. Then you can explore an NFT marketplace such as NFTsky to find and buy NFT.

Remember that the best way to learn is to do, so invite your friends to plunge into the world of NFT and explore the vast and creative world it offers.


NFT is more than just a passing trend. They represent a fundamental shift in how we perceive and exchange digital assets, providing creators with new ways to monetize their work and providing collectors with a unique and secure way to own digital items. While doubts and questions are natural, understanding the underlying technology and the opportunities it opens up can help dispel any skepticism about NFT. Embrace the future of digital property and share the exciting potential of NFT with your friends.

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